Friday, July 31, 2015

Beef Fact Friday: Higher Beef Consumption Does NOT Mean Higher Health Risks

We’ve all been hearing on the news that meat consumption is too high and it’s causing a rise health issues, but this week’s #BeefFactFriday is here to tell you otherwise!

According to, the average American consumes 5.1oz of protein foods per day, and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming 5.5oz of protein foods per day. This means that Americans are consuming these types of foods within dietary guidelines! But wait, there's more...

Even better than that- research suggests that Americans could benefit from adding a high-quality protein, such as lean beef, to their diets because of the positive effect it could have on weight management, disease prevention and healthy aging. Further, most Americans prefer a lean cut of beef which is packed with powerful nutrients which, as part of a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle, has proven to help improve cholesterol levels.

As the graph shows, total and saturated fat from meats have decreased over the years despite higher intakes. Beef consumption contributes less cholesterol to American diets, has the same heart-healthy fatty acids found in olive oil and contributes less than 5 percent of total calories to an American diet! So #EatMoreBeef and live a healthy life! Get more information on the benefits of lean beef at

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