Monday, August 17, 2015

Movie Monday: Grading Beef Yield and Quality

Beef grading is a big deal. It's a big deal to packers because they want to sell the highest quality of beef possible. It's a big deal to retailers and consumers because they want their dollar to get what it's paying for. It's a big deal to the government, because it has their name on it!

Before any meat is packaged or any dollars are spent, the beef must go through the fabrication and grading process. At any given harvesting facility in the nation, there's United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials standing long hours in grading booths accessing each carcass as it goes down the line. They grade based on characteristics found between the 12th and 13th rib of a side of beef such as marbling, color of lean, age of the carcass and several others. 

This process is taken very seriously and is government regulated. That's why third-party USDA graders man this part of the fabrication process instead of just any employee available that day!

There's a lot that goes into beef quality and yield grading and a lot of weight behind the final grade given. This is important for producers, packers, retailers, chefs and consumers alike to know! That's why this week's #MovieMonday is all about how it's done! Check it out: 

Beef Quality Grading: "An estimate of the eating satisfaction of the carcass"
Beef Yield Grading: "An estimate of how much lean meat will be yielded from a given carcass"

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