Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Alabama Charolais/Houston County Field Day

     The Alabama Charolais Association and the Houston County Cattlemen's Association recently joined forces to host their 2012 Summer Field Day together. The event was held May 26th at Meadows Creek Farm in Ashford and hosted by the Meadows family.
     The day included a junior heifer show and judging contest as well as live music, lunch, educational program, and lots of kids friendly activities and food for all the families involved. Below are scenes from the event:


Thursday, May 17, 2012

ACA Leaders Visit Auburn University

The Alabama Cattlemen's Association's Executive Committee and Foundation Board recently met on campus at Auburn University. While there, the group was led on tours of the Lambert-Powell Meats Laboratory and the Vet School's Large Animal Clinic.

Several cattlemen participated in an exercise to cut Flat Iron steaks from larger shoulder muscle portions, a tactic the beef industry has developed to add value to the beef carcass. Below are pictures from the event:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Lean Beef Commercials

The beef checkoff is responsible for creating two great new commercials that were released today and will see extensive promotion use in the future. Each spot reinforces for consumers the fact that lean beef makes for a meal that truly brings people together. Each video is embedded below:


Friday, May 11, 2012

New Online Advertising Opportunities from ACA

     Building on its current offering of email blasts and homepage banner ads, the Alabama Cattlemen's Association is now offering a new online advertising venue. Page specific banner ads allow advertisers to target and reach potential customers based on the content they're viewing on ACA's website, bamabeef.org.
     "This is really just another way to offer value to our current magazine advertisers. They can bundle their magazine ads with an email blast or an online banner add to extend their reach. Now, we're adding locations around ACA's website so that advertisers can further tailor their ad buy," says Reid Blossom, ACA Director of Industry Relations & Youth Programs.
     The new page specific banner ads are currently available on the "Market Prices" and "Alabama Junior Cattlemen's Association" pages but will be added to more pages in the future.
     "With the upcoming AJCA Round-Up, traffic to the Junior Cattlemen page will really pick up and the Market Price page is consistently one of our most popular pages logging over 900 pageviews per month," says Blossom.
     For more information on how to extend your current ads running in the Alabama Cattleman magazine into ACA's electronic capabilities, contact Reid Blossom or Jordan Barrett at the ACA office or click here.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

BQA Celebrates 25 Years

The beef industry is celebrating 25 years of Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) education for cattlemen in this country. What started to address injection site blemishes has progressed into a whole system approach to proper animal care for cattlemen.
